Dr. Üstün Ezer is increasing the survival rate of children with leukemia.
Read ArticleDr. Üstün Ezer is increasing the survival rate of children with leukemia.
Read ArticleChaim has brought new life for thousands of youth around the world who were uprooted or from dysfunctional homes.
Read ArticleMead’s program provides prosthetic limbs and treatment for children with missing or deformed arms and legs.
Read ArticleMARIE DE LA SOUDIERE 2004 HUMANITARIAN AWARD UNICEF Global For 24 years, Marie de la Soudiere has played a leading role in the development and implementation of programs to protect and promote the recovery and psycho-social reintegration of children affected by armed conflict, children separated from their families, and former child soldiers. Throughout her work,…
Read ArticleDr. Odeh has spent a lifetime improving the health of the most vulnerable members of Palestinian society: disabled children.
Read ArticleDanielle founded Kids For Peace, which provides opportunities for children to become service-oriented leaders, peace builders and environmental activists.
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