Children who cannot walk, go to school, play with friends or lead an independent life because of their disability are often orphaned or abandoned because of their differences. We help to provide medical care, recovery, mobility and education so that these children have the opportunity to defy social stigmas and lead a fulfilled life.
Boeta was born with spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. He grew up in an abusive foster-care home, and because of his disability, he never went to school and was hesitant to engage with anyone. He met 2019 Hero Award Honoree Chaeli Mycroft when he was nine years old and began attending inclusive classes at The Chaeli Campaign’s education center. He finally started to come out of his shell!
Now 16 years old, Boeta attends a special needs school in Cape Town, South Africa and has a number of sporting accolades to his name. The Chaeli Campaign has also helped to find him a supportive family where he feels safe and knows he belongs.
2016, 2011 Hero Award, Health Award
Data and statistics have been compiled from:
Special Olympics
UN Sustainable Development Goals