HONOREE Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn


Journalists, Child Advocates

If the word courage means anything in the world of journalism, it can defined by the work of Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. They do not write their stories from the safety of their offices. They are in the field—at great risk—to tell the story firsthand from China, Southeast Asia and Africa. Their body of work on behalf of children and women who are the victims of sexual abuse and slavery, physical violence, disease and cultural subservience has opened the eyes of all of us to these depredations.

As the only couple to ever win a Pulitzer Prize together, Nick and Sheryl have just published their latest work, Half The Sky, which chronicles the plight of children and women in today’s third world and developing countries as well as in the USA.  They are the voice of the voiceless and the hope of the oppressed. They openly reveal that which we wish not to see and they herald those who work tirelessly and at great personal risk to help those victims of oppression.

Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are a powerful team making a tremendous difference in the lives of children everywhere. As they shine a bright spotlight on the hidden issues of our day, Nick and Sheryl present a standard for us all—to come face to face with reality as distasteful and depressing as it might be—and to give a voice to those who need us most here at home and around the world.

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